Friday, July 25, 2008

At first, miss priss did not quite understand this new developement of candles and everyone singing to her. She was a little confused.
Then, since we had been practicing blowing out the candle, she got a little more excited about the situation.
But, there has never been excitement of this kind in my sweet little girl's life. She was able to hold the cupcake by herself. Not just a cupcake of any kind, but a chocolate cupcake!!!! OH THE JOY!!!
After all the excitement died down a little, Sara Crawford realized that she still had this wonderful sweetness on her hands and fingers. Just like her mother, she just had to have EVERY LAST DROP!!!! What a BLAST!!!!
This was an update from S.C.'s church birthday party. There will also be an update on Monday from her other party on Sunday.


Sara said...

How precious! I'm impressed with how clean her cute little outfit is after eating that cupcake! I had to throw Brayden's birthday shirt in the garbage b/c it was covered in red icing from his elmo cake =0)

Hollie said...

Hope you had a Happy Birthday Sara Crawford!

The Downings said...

Too Cute!!! Happy Birthday Sara Crawford.