Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So, what was I thinking?!? When I am putting on my make-up (yes, sometimes I wear make-up) Sara Crawford loves to get my sponge, or my blush brush or my chapstick and put on a little herself. She really likes to be a big girl! I was in Big Lots and saw what I thought was some play make-up. I know that you guys remember the kind that looked like lipstick, but was solid plastic. Well, what a mistake I made. With-in the first 5 minutes, my child looked like this...

Now, isn't that the prettiest thing you have ever seen?


Sarah Nell said...

Too funny! Will yall be at the reunion this weekend? I hope so!

Mama Y'all said...


The Downings said...

haha!! That's funny! She looks like she poured pepto bismal all over her face.