Wednesday, October 8, 2008

These are some pictures of Sara Crawford and her friends Presley and Preston. These children are twins and they attend church with us. They both take up so much time with her and are just the sweetest children that I have ever been around. The two of them were born very prematurely and they have 2 different kinds of cleft pallettes. They have had countless surgeries and endless problems, and they still have some of the best attitudes that I have ever dealt with. Recently, they had to have surgery on their sinuses, because they were still the size of babies' sinuses.

Please constantly remember these two as they face huge giants in the world. As they grow older, their difference in appearance becomes such a HUGE part of their lives. Just as with anything, I am so used to them and how wonderful they are, that I do not even notice that anything is different. It is growing increasingly hard on the two of them.
They are wonderful friends for Sara Crawford, because they are such great role models!

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